Access to the Labelling module is via your Kafoodle Kitchen account.
Once you have logged into your Kafoodle account, go to the recipes screen. You should see a labelling icon ‘luggage tag’ under ‘Controls’.
Click on the ‘luggage tag’ and the labelling screen will open in a new tab in your browser for that particular recipe, in this example – Chicken Caesar Salad.
You can choose from the options listed in the left hand panel to customise your labels. Scroll down to see all available options and filters.
You will see the name of the recipe your labels will be created for.
You can choose any one or more options to create a compliant label. For example, when you select both Natasha’s Law and Front of Pack, you will see the relevant labels appearing with a green tick on the right of your screen.
Useful information appears for each of these options when you hover over the ‘tooltip icon’.
You can resize text using this option to fit all information in a label. Click on the down arrow or type in a number to adjust the font size as shown below. This will reduce size of all text fields on labels. Please be sure to check your font size matches the UK government food labelling guidelines
To resize only the recipe name text in labels, click the down arrow next to 100%.
There is useful information when you hover over the ‘recipe name’ tooltip icon ‘?’.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove the descriptive name from the labels.
You can add a custom descriptive name by typing in the text box. Or you can choose the other option to populate this field from your recipe specification. The descriptive name will appear below the recipe name in labels as shown below.
To resize only the descriptive name text in labels, click the down arrow next to 100%.
There is useful information when you hover over the ‘descriptive name’ tooltip icon ‘?’.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove the allergens and may contain fields from labels.
You will notice that the ‘shown/hidden’ button is disabled if you choose Natasha’s Law from the ‘labels compliant with’ filters at the top. This is because full allergens information is mandatory on Prepacked for Direct Sale (PPDS) labels to be compliant with Natasha’s Law.
To resize only these fields, click the down arrow next to 100%.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove the ingredients list from labels. You will notice that the ‘shown/hidden’ button is disabled if you choose Natasha’s Law from the ‘labels compliant with’ filters at the top. This is because full ingredients information is mandatory on Prepacked for Direct Sale (PPDS) labels to be compliant with Natasha’s Law.
The full ingredients list is displayed (with allergens) in descending order of percentage used or QUID. You may choose to hide the QUID percentage by unselecting the checkbox.
To resize only the ingredients list, click the down arrow next to 100%.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove the nutrition information from labels. You may choose values per 100g/ml or value per serving (+energy per 100g/ml) by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
You will notice that the ‘shown/hidden’ button is disabled if you choose Front of Pack or Back of Pack from the ‘labels compliant with’ filters at the top. This is because nutrition information is mandatory for such labels to be compliant with UK labelling guidelines.
The download button allows you to save the nutrition lozenge (with the traffic lights) as a PNG.
Number of servings displayed on the labels are same as what is specified in the recipe by default. You may override this value if needed by using the up/down arrow.
Net weight displayed on labels is same as what is specified in the recipe by default. If you have changed the number of servings, the net weight would be recalculated automatically. However, you can override this manually if required. You may choose a unit of measure other than the default by selecting from the drop down list. The weight will be recalculated automatically to align with the selected unit.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove these fields from labels. You will notice that the ‘shown/hidden’ button is disabled if you choose Front of Pack or Back of Pack from the ‘labels compliant with’ filters at the top. This is because servings and net weight information is mandatory for such labels to be compliant with UK labelling guidelines.
Price displayed on labels is same as the actual selling price specified in the recipe. You can override this by adding a new value (up to 2 decimals) in the text box or by using the up/down arrow. You may also change the default currency symbol by selecting a value from the drop-down list.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove price from labels.
You may also resize the text by changing the default value of 100%.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove recipe tags (such as suitable for vegetarian, suitable for halal) from labels.
You can add a ‘use by’ date to labels. Or you can even change the field name by clicking inside the text box and rename as needed e.g. best before or expiry date. You can choose one of the three options to specify and display a correct date.
Select ‘No date’ option as per your requirement.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove the expiry date field from labels.
Date and time of printing of labels is auto-populated but you can override this as required.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove the date & timestamp from labels.
You can choose an address which is already saved for your business from the dropdown list to print on labels. Or you may add another address by clicking in the custom text box.
You can click the ‘shown/hidden’ button to add or remove the address from labels.
You can use custom text field to add any other information on labels e.g. storage or heating instructions. You can add an optional title for this information by clicking in the title text box and use the custom text box to add the full information.
This option can only be used with rectangular label templates and the text will be displayed in the lower half of labels.
You can add a barcode number to your recipe in the appropriate field and this will pull through to labelling, allowing you to show a barcode on the relevant templates. You can also upload an image of a barcode in this section if you prefer and resize it as appropriate to allow it to be scanned.
Your recipe image (from the recipe specifications) will be visible in this section for you to add to labels. You can choose to display this image by clicking on the eye icon.
You can upload any other custom image by clicking on the choose file button. Once uploaded it will be available to display on labels.
You can display up to four symbol images on labels by clicking on the eye icon.
You can also upload one custom image by clicking on choose file option. Once uploaded you can select it to display on labels.
You can filter all label templates by any of these categories:
You can use the scale feature to resize labels and print appropriately. Use the up/down arrows next to the scale text box and click on print button for a preview.
While resizing labels, ensure that labels are in compliance with the labelling requirements that mandate a minimum text size. You should hover over the orange information ‘i’ icon to read the exact specifications.
The label preview screen will open in a new tab in your browser and you should see the original size versus scaled size for comparison.
You may also hide the guide lines from view by clicking on the ‘shown/hidden’ button.
Once satisfied with the label preview, you should click the print button and select your printer from dropdown list to generate labels.
‘Save labelling preset’ feature allows for your specific selections and settings to be saved for use the next time. After you have customised all label settings to generate appropriate labels, click ‘Save labelling preset’ button at the top right corner of the screen. A pop-up window will appear where you should specify a name for this preset and review the settings list/changes and click save.
Next time, when you log in to the labelling module, you should see this preset by clicking on the dropdown list next to the ‘Load labelling preset’ button. Once you select this preset to load, all default settings will change to your custom settings.
You may also edit the preset by clicking on the edit button in the dropdown list. A pop-up window will appear where you can edit the name and/or delete this preset.
This feature enables you to create/review labels for more than 1 recipe from the same screen. On the recipe screen, select recipes by clicking on the checkbox next to the image. Then click on the dropdown next to Bulk edit and select ‘Bulk labelling’ from the dropdown.
The labelling screen will open in a new tab in your browser. You should see the list of all recipes in the dropdown under ‘Building labels for’ option. You can also click on previous/next buttons to move between recipe labels.
When in bulk labelling mode, some elements of the editing function can be applied as a bulk edit. One example is Expiry date information. Select the icon to apply to all labels in bulk.
If you are a staff member with access to datasheets only then you can print labels as shown below. Select the recipe names by selecting the checkboxes then click the ‘luggage tag’ in the control panel. The labelling screen will open in a new tab in your browser to generate labels.