Kitchen User Guide

Kitchen User Guide

Home Screen 

When you log into Kafoodle, you will see the screen below. Depending on which modules you have access to and your user permission level, this will dictate the number of tiles that will appear.

Note: For staff only users, you will only see the datasheets tile

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Hot buttons These are located in the top left hand corner of the screen . These buttons allow you to navigate to ingredients, recipes or menus without having to return to the main home screen


Links This feature allows you to create links to external sources e.g. shared drive, websites

Notifications These are found in the top right hand corner within the envelope. In the orange square, tells you how many notifications you have received

User Guides These can be accessed from the drop down menu in the top right hand corner

Report a problem This can be accessed from the drop down user menu in the top right hand corner. Fill in the form to raise an It helpdesk ticket automatically. 


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Ingredient prices can be edited directly in this list. The cost will display ‘unknown’ if it has no price associated. Once selected, enter the price, Quantity and UoM, and select the tick to save. To edit the wastage percentage you must edit the ingredient.

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If you have had your ingredients imported, or added them manually, you can validate them using the lock icon in controls. By validating an ingredient you prevent further editing of its details. When the ingredient has not been validated, it appears unlocked. Once the ingredient is validated, it appears locked and editing is prohibited.

You can also manage your ingredients lists (folders) by selecting ‘Manage ingredients lists’ button IconDescription automatically generatedwhich is just above the Available Lists column (Note: only Business/ Site Admins only can create/ amend and delete)

Clone an ingredient

Search and filter your ingredient database 

Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For

Filter by name/code

Filter the results by ingredient name or GTIN code

Filter by supplier/code

Filter the results by supplier name or product code

Filter by category

Filter the results by relevant category

Contains tags

Filter the results by tag/s (multi select available)

Validated or not

If the symbol is green, the ingredient has not been validated. If it is amber,  this ingredient has been validated and cannot be edited by users below business administrator level

Any usage

Filter to see what ingredients are being used in recipes

Any nutrition

Filter to see what ingredients are missing nutrition


Select number of ingredients to display on one page 

Creating an ingredient

Select  A picture containing text, first-aid kitDescription automatically generated

Note: If the field has red asterisk * this means that it is compulsory and the software will not save if this is left blank. All other fields are optional.

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Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For


Select which list to add this ingredient to


Select the category from the drop down box that best describes this item


Enter name of the product/item you are adding e.g. Tomato Sauce/Pastry

Customer Facing Name

Applicable only if using labelling or interactive menus and wish for the ingredient name to be different from main name


Enter the brand name

Stock Location

Applicable only if you are using Stock and Ordering (full details in S&O user guide)

Composite Ingredients

List of ingredients contained in an ingredient e.g. Baked beans composite ingredients are Beans (51%), Tomatoes (34%), Water, Sugar, Spirit Vinegar, Modified Cornflour, Salt, Spice Extracts, Herb Extract


Select the allergens or may contain found in this ingredient

No Allergens

If no allergens are selected in the above field, this box MUST be ticked by way of acknowledgement that it is a conscious statement there are no allergens.


Add the nutrition values (per 100g) for this ingredient. This will allow you to use the ‘calculate’ function when creating a recipe


Add any relevant tags


If you wish for ingredients cannot be edited by users below business administrator level


From the cost tab you can add the supplier, supplier product code, wastage, VAT rate and a conversion. 

Both mass and volume units of measure (UoM) are pre-defined by the software 

Cup = 250ml

tbsp (Tablespoon) = 17.75g/ml

tsp (Teaspoon) = 5.91g/ml

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The conversion tool allows you to specify a specific weight for ingredients. Note: for any of the UoM under the units list, these will require a conversion in either mass or volume to be set.  This means that you can select, for example, two cloves of garlic when creating your recipe and the equivalent weights will be used to calculate nutrition and pricing information.

An accurate value for the recipe weight needs to be taken into account for nutrition calculations and so it is important to set up the conversions here first.

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Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For


Select from drop down list of suppliers activated against your account. To activate a new supplier, submit a request here

Supplier Product Code

Supplier product code, if applicable


Enter, if any, the wastage % for this ingredient. This should be used if the ingredient has a set wastage when it is prepared for any dish. If it undergoes additional wastage at a recipe level, you can enter that when you create your recipe

VAT Rate


Enter the quantity of this ingredient when purchased

Additional Cost

Applicable only if you are using Stock and Ordering (full details in S&O user guide)


Adding a conversion will allow you to specify the metric measurement for your imperial measurements. i.e. 1 clove = 10 grams. 1 each = 250g

From – Qty

Enter the quantity of the ingredient that you know the metric measurement for

From – Unit

Enter the unit of measurement that you are converting

To – Qty

Enter the quantity that the ingredient converts to

To – Unit

Enter the unit of measurement that the ingredient converts to


This is an audit trail which shows details of any changes which are saved on the ingredient.

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Temporary Substitute Ingredient Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

Use this feature to temporarily replace an ingredient with another. For example, if you’ve run out of your usual stock of milk, and buy a different brand from the shop

Select “New Temporary Ingredient Substitution”

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Note: Apply to all businesses in a business group will only appear for Enterprise clients at a Head Office level

Select the site/s that require the substitution

In the “replace” field start typing the name of the ingredient that is currently unavailable. Once found in drop down list, select. Note: for the ingredient to appear in this drop down, it must be, being used in a recipe/s otherwise it will not appear

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Next, in the “with” start typing the name of the temporary ingredient. If this already exists in your database, it will appear in the drop down list. If this is a new ingredient, then you can “Create new ingredient” from here

Once both ingredient fields are complete, they can be applied to all recipes or selected recipes, then “create”. This will update all recipe spec sheets, datasheets, labelling and interactive menus.

This remains on your account until you are ready to end and revert back to original ingredient.

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Ingredients in Recipes

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See which recipes each ingredient is used in. If the ingredient is in use, an orange bar will appear at the top of the ingredient. Selecting the link will show you all of the recipes that this ingredients is used in within your business. 

Note: Only recipes which you are permissioned to see will display.


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You can also manage your lists by selecting ‘Manage recipe lists’ button (Note: Business/ Site Admins only can create/ amend and delete

Search and filter your recipe database 

Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For

Search by recipe name/reference

Filter the results by recipe name or reference

Filter by recipe list

Filter the results by recipe list

Contains tags

Filter the results by tag/s (multi select available)

Exclude recipes with allergens

Filter by allergen (includes and may contain) (multi select available)

Exclude recipes with ingredients

Filter by ingredient including composite ingredients (multi select available)

Include recipes with ingredients

Filter by ingredient (multi select available)

Creating a recipe

Select A picture containing textDescription automatically generated

Note: If the field has red asterisk * this means that it is compulsory and the software will not save if this is left blank

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Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For


Select which list to add this recipe to


Enter the name of the recipe that you are creating e.g. Chips, Caesar Salad


Use this field for internal referencing. (For example what date the menu entered in the system and by whom)


Applicable only for labelling. Currently only supports EAN 13 format


How would you describe the recipe on your menu? e.g. ‘Homemade Tomato Soup with Crusty Bread and Butter’


Select multiple tags to assign to this recipe

Stock Location

Applicable only if you are using Stock and Ordering (full details in S&O user guide)


This will appear on labels and interactive menus

Shelf life

Applicable only if using labelling

Lock this recipe

Tick this box to prevent changes to this recipe by anyone except business administrators

Ingredients and Allergens

From this tab, add your ingredients and specify the weights and measurements. Choosing an ingredient which has its allergens and nutrition content attached makes it easy to display this information to the customer. Each ingredient in our database is checked for any of the 14 allergens that you must display. Make sure to check any ingredients that you add yourself. This information will be displayed on your datasheets and menus if you choose to show it. The weights and measurements of ingredients is used to calculate nutrition and can be shown on your recipe overview.

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Adding Ingredients to your recipe

Click the cursor in the first box and start typing your first ingredient, as a list of ingredient start to appear, select the correct item. Your ingredients are grouped in lists.

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Enter the quantity of this ingredient used in this recipe. The costs will appear in the boxes on the right if you have entered them when creating the ingredient. (if not, you will have to enter the cost from the list ingredient page). Note: you can use a recipe within another recipe. Ingredients have a shopping basket icon and recipes have a cloche / dish icon

Move on to the next box and repeat step 1 until all of the ingredients within that recipe including all its accompaniments and items included in the cooking process are included (don’t forget any cooking oils or condiments, etc.)

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Additional Allergens – This is to be used when creating a recipe where you don’t list the ingredients, or if you are aware of possible cross contamination. You do not need to repeat allergen data that is already being pulled into the recipe via the ingredients. Remember if you don’t know the allergens or you are guessing, this recipe will not meet the allergen legislation requirements.

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An ingredient I want is not listed – Create the ingredient by navigating to the ‘Create an ingredient’ page.

Once you have listed your ingredients and allergens, either create your recipe or continue adding information into the other tabs


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If you have the nutritional information against your ingredients, the software will calculate the nutrition on your recipe. If you are not using this functionality and would like to enter manually, you must tick the “enter nutritional values manually”

You can choose to opt between values per 100g/ml or values per serving

Note: Before creating your new recipe, please ensure that the #Servings is correct, the default number is 1. You will only get accurate per serving nutrition data if #servings is filled in correctly.

Recipe cooked states

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Cooking raw food will generally cause changes in water, fat, vitamin and mineral content. Simply type in the weight after cooking value or weight change percentage value (using + before the number means weight gain, - means weight loss) and Kafoodle Kitchen will do all the hard work. Use the guideline values to assist


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The software will automatically generate the conversion for 1 serving, based on batch size and #servings. You can however add additional conversions should you wish, for example the recipe could be for a cake, which gives you 16 slices, therefore you could set a conversion 1 slice = 100g

Scaling a recipe

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Using the recipe scaling feature, you can calculate the required quantities of each ingredient in your recipe for a specified serving.

Simply enter the desired number of servings into the “Scale to” field. Click outside of the field and the ingredient quantities will update to show the scaled values.

The value that you specified in the “Scale to” field will now display in the Servings field.

You can perform this task again by entering a different value in the “Scale to” field.

Note: Saving this recipe after scaling will maintain the values calculated. If you do not wish to save these new values, exit the recipe form without selecting save. Alternatively, consider cloning the recipe if you want to keep multiple variations.

Note: Ingredients such as herbs, spices and salt do not scale well, so you may have to adjust these manually after conducting the recipe scale.

In cases where you have used the units: Each or Clove, ensure a conversion is entered for that ingredient. If there is no conversion, the results will still display correctly but you will not be able to view the scale percentages (when available).

Calculation Logic

The formula used to produce these values has been taken from Baker’s Percentages.

This formula simply multiplies the ingredient quantity by the scaling factor, identified by calculating the difference between the current serving size, and scaled size. 

However, by using Baker’s Percentages we also calculate the percent of each ingredient in relation to the main, or lead, ingredient. This information will be displayed in a future release, and can be used to aid scaling baked goods.

Gross Profit Calculator

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You can now accurately cost out your recipes using our GP calculator. When adding your ingredients you can now work out a suggested selling price depending on your GP% or workout your actual GP%. All you need to know is the cost of your ingredients, your target GP and how many servings that recipe makes.

When adding your ingredients to your recipe, you have the option to use our GP calculator to accurately cost a recipe.

The GP calculator will determine the recipe cost by working out the total of your ingredient costs. If you have not entered these costs, or would like to use the GP calculator without entering ingredients, simply enter the recipe cost in manually.

If you have not set the default target GP% from the costs tab in edit site, you can set it here.

If you have not entered a default plate cost from the costs tab in edit site, you can also enter that here, or leave blank if not applicable.

Enter the amount of servings that this recipe creates. (Minimum of 1) and finally enter the actual selling price if applicable.

Once you have filled in the required fields, the GP calculator can then tell you; the suggested selling price, cost per serving, actual GP%, the GP variance and the profit variance.


From this tab enter the steps to create this dish, as well as what the recipe is served in for training and consistency purposes

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Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For

Chef Name

Enter the name of the Chef who created this recipe.


Here you may enter the steps required to create this recipe. 

You have a wealth of functionality including the ability to link to a You Tube or Vimeo account, add in static images, bold, underline, highlight and increase font size/ change font

Add a step

Each time a new step is added, the software automatically numbers this

Served in

Describe what your recipe is served in


Chef Tips

Add any chef tips to the method

FOH Tips

Add any service/ presentation tips to the method

To change the order use the buttons (hold down left hand button on your mouse as you drag and drop) IconDescription automatically generated


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As well as specifying the HACCP for your site, you can also create specific HACCP for each recipe, as some recipes may require different preparation.

Recipe Spec Sheet

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Prior to printing a recipe spec sheet, you can hide certain information using the Graphical user interface, text, chat or text messageDescription automatically generatedbutton. When printing, this opens as a PDF.

Audit log

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From the history tab you can view the audit trail for this recipe. See what changes have been made, what date and time they occurred, and which user made the change.

Copying a recipe

To copy a recipe, select A picture containing text, signDescription automatically generated

Make the required changes and then save

Bulk Printing

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To print multiple recipe spec sheets, navigate to the recipes screen. Once in recipes, first select the checkbox next to each recipe you want to print. This is located on the left-hand side next to the individual recipes.

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Then click on the bulk edit button on the top right and select ‘bulk print’.

Bulk Ingredient Replacement

Replace ingredient with another in multiple recipes at once.


Firstly navigate to the recipes screen. There is a search bar called ‘contains ingredient’, type and search for  the ingredient you wish to replace here.

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You will then be shown a list of recipes that contain that ingredient.

Select the checkbox for any (or all) of the recipes you wish to effect, by replacing the ingredient inside them. 

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Then click the ‘bulk edit ‘button and select ‘replace ingredient’

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You will be directed to search for / add the ingredient that you want to replace the existing one with, then click ‘replace’ at the bottom.

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Once the selected ingredient has been replaced in all recipes, you will get a pop-up box asking if you would like to permanently delete the original ingredient. 

Best Practice Tips

Use tooltips as a reminder of the functionality of each field

To keep the number of recipe lists to a reasonable amount, make use of the reference field. For example instead of having a recipe list per season, have a recipe list per product range and use the reference field to state what season it is for


Creating a menu

Note: If the field has red asterisk * this means that it is compulsory and the software will not save if this is left blank

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Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For


Enter the name of the menu that you are creating. This will appear when you print the menu


Use this field for internal referencing. (What date is this menu being created? who created it?)


Tick this box to prevent changes to this menu by anyone except business administrators


Only applicable if using API to integrate with another software platform


Select one or more sites to assign this menu to



Calories Only (minimum requirement for calorie labelling legislation)

Full Nutrition

Full Nutrition without calories next to recipe name

Nutrition values

Values per serving

Values per 100g/ml

Display From

Please enter the start date for this menu. This is when the menu will be displayed from

Display Until

Please enter the date you wish to display the menu until. Please leave this section blank if you wish for this menu to remain displayed indefinitely

Days of the week

Please select days that you wish menu to be displayed on interactive menus

Banner Image

Image will appear above the menu name in Interactive Menus and menu print view. A rectangle shaped image is recommended. The image must be at least 770 pixels wide. The recommended image height is 175 pixels

Tick this box to archive this menu

Show allergen icons on printed menu

Hide from Kafoodle Communications App

Applicable only if you are using Comms App (see user guide for full details)

Hide from WBA App

Applicable only if you are using Interactive menus (see Interactive menu user guide for full details)

Show pictures on recipes in WBA App

Applicable only if you are using Interactive menus (see Interactive menu user guide for full details)

Hide from ePMO

Applicable only if you are using ePMO (see ePMO user guide for full details)

Add Menu Content

Select the menu that you are adding recipes and edit IconDescription automatically generated

To add a recipe, select the A picture containing text, first-aid kit, clipartDescription automatically generated button. Use the filtering functionality to assist you

To change the order use the buttons (hold down left hand button on your mouse as you drag and drop) IconDescription automatically generated. If you require them in alphabetical order use  ApplicationDescription automatically generated with medium confidence in the top right hand corner.

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Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For

Search recipe name/ reference

Filter the results by recipe name or reference

All recipe lists

Filter the results by recipe list

Contains tags

Filter the results by tag/s (multi select available)

Exclude recipes with allergens

Filter by allergen (includes and may contain) (multi select available)

Exclude recipes with ingredients

Filter by ingredient including composite ingredients (multi select available)

Include recipes with ingredients

Filter by ingredient (multi select available)


If the “actual price” field on your recipes is being used, these prices will be displayed on your menu. You can opt to hide them by unticking the “Display prices” box.

You also have the option to add on additional prices should you wish. Graphical user interface, application, chat or text messageDescription automatically generated

These additional prices and descriptions could be the same for a number of the recipes on the menu. These can be copied  then pasted  onto relevant recipes.

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You can also add in static content, should you wish. 

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Once you have completed everything, don’t forget to  A picture containing shapeDescription automatically generated in the top right hand corner.


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From the history tab you can view the audit trail for this menu. See what changes have been made, what date and time they occurred, and which user made the change.

Copying a menu

To copy a menu select A picture containing text, sign, first-aid kit, clipartDescription automatically generated on the menu you wish to copy. This will open the menu details box. Make any necessary changes then TextDescription automatically generated

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It will automatically open the menu so you can add on any additional recipes, amend prices as required.

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Menus are saved with the most recent appearing first. However you can change the order should you wish. To do so on the screen, use the buttons either by the created or updated, as per the screenshot below to bring the oldest onto the first page. Note: it will revert to original order once you have moved away from this screen.

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To permanently change the order of your menus, you can do so by selecting “menu sorting”

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Simply drag your menus into the order that you desire then A picture containing graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

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If you would like to “group” menus together under a particular heading, then this functionality is perfect for you.

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Go to  Graphical user interface, application, websiteDescription automatically generated then TextDescription automatically generated

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Note: If the field has red asterisk * this means that it is compulsory and the software will not save if this is left blank

Field Name

Purpose/ To be Used For


Enter the name of the menu that you are creating. This will appear when you print the menu


Select a photo from your device to set as the menu group picture. File type accepted: PNG and JPEG. Max file size: 2MB


Select site/s that menu group is relevant to. 


Select menus that are to be included within menu group. The order they display can be changed 

Hide from the WBA app

Only applicable if using Interactive menus. Tick if you no longer want these to be visible

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As with menus, you can permanently change the order of your menu groups. You can do so by selecting  Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with low confidence

Simply drag your menu groups into the order that you desire then A picture containing graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

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Bulk Edit

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You may wish to use the Bulk Edit function within menus if you wish to make the same change to a selection of menus at one time, rather than manually opening each individual menu.

Simply select the menus you wish to affect or ‘select all’ by using the check box just above the menu list.

Now navigate to ‘Bulk Edit’ and select ‘Menu Bulk Edit’

Within the bulk edit pop up box there are several fields you can select to change across the multiple menus you have selected at once.

You must check the box on the far left relating to the section you are editing first, this then enables you to make the required change e.g. select Nutrition and change all selected menus to Calories only’ from the drop down.

Saving the change at the bottom of the pop up box will cascade that change to all menus which were selected to be part of the bulk edit.

Best Practice Tips

Archive at least once a year to keep your account tidy


These are a great tool which allows users to easily search and filter what items would be suitable for a customer, enhancing your customer experience. These can be downloaded A picture containing applicationDescription automatically generated in excel or printed A picture containing iconDescription automatically generatedas a PDF. We do highly recommend that users access these online as if they click on the name of the recipe, it will open up the recipe spec sheet.

Search and filtering functionality is the same on all datasheets for allergens, ingredients and menus, with the appropriate additional fields for nutritional datasheet

Note:    when you see this symbol   in the software, it allows you to reorder the data on your screen from highest/lowest, lowest/highest, alphabetically (A to Z)

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Search and filter by values per 100g/ml or values per serving

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Cost (admin users only)

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