Kafoodle Chef Quick Start Guide

Kafoodle Chef Quick Start Guide

Getting Started

Kafoodle is renowned for being very user friendly and intuitive. 

As a student Chef the system will facilitate you building a portfolio of recipes that will give you indicative allergen, nutrition and costing information for each of them.

Your username will always be the email address you set up the account with and the password will be whatever you have chosen. If you forget the password, please follow the link on the login screen to reset it. Kafoodle are unfortunately unable to tell you your password as it will be encrypted.

Once logged in, you will have access to the homepage below. The 6 tiles allow you to navigate to different areas of the system.

The sites and users tiles are purely for administration purposes.

The next 3 tiles are the main steps to working in Kafoodle;


This is your database which has been pre populated with 2 extensive lists of popular ingredients for you to use. You will also have a generic empty list, with the same name as your business / site.

Kafoodle Pantry is a list of ingredients with full allergen, nutrition and indicative pricing information. The data behind these ingredients has been taken from real products but please be aware that this data is static and only representative of what you may be using in recipes. You can copy any ingredient using the icon on the right which looks like 2  sheets of paper. 

This will allow you to make any changes you deem necessary to make the product as true to the item you are actually using in your recipes. E.g. you could update the allergen information or nutrition or even the price to give a true reflection of the ingredients you are actually using.

When you save you will be ‘saving this copy’ and therefore not over writing the original data. You can save any ingredients you copy and amend to your generic list.

You can also add any further ingredients you may require into your own site list manually. Use the + button on the top right of the ingredients screen to open a blank ingredient sheet.

Simply fill in the required details such as list, category, name and add your allergen information by multi selecting any that are relevant. In Kafoodle you also have the opportunity to add ‘May Contain’ data. If the item does not contain any allergens the system will require you to tick the ‘no allergens’ box to show you are making a conscious statement that there are no allergens and not that you have simply forgotten to add the details.

Any field with a red asterisk is mandatory and you will not be able to save without completing them. 

Remember to add the list of composite ingredients if you will be publishing a full list of your recipe ingredients anywhere such as on a label.

Next to almost every field in the system you will see a question mark. This is a tooltip which if clicked, will pop up with an explanation of the field.

You can add a price to an ingredient on the costs tab.


In this section you can use your ingredients to build recipes which will then reflect the allergens, nutrition and costs of those ingredients as a collective.

When your business and site are set up you will automatically have a Recipe list (folder) of the same name created to allow you to file and save your recipes.

In the top right of the recipe screen you have a button called + New and you will use this to access a new, blank recipe sheet for you to create.

As with the ingredients screen you simply follow the fields on the sheet to create the recipe. As before fields with a red asterisk are mandatory.

The second tab ‘Ingredients and Allergens’ is where most of the work is required as you search the ingredients database and add in the quantity of each one.

Specify the number of servings in the recipe to be able to view both per 100g nutrition and per serving.

Adding all ingredients and saving will produce a recipe tab (spec sheet) that will become the ‘page in your cookbook’, giving you all details of the recipe in one place. Print or download these as required.

Gather your recipes together onto a menu and you will be able to print these out and filter datasheets for allergens, nutrition or costings to a specific menu.

Use the ‘new Menu’ button to create a new menu.

You can access all your recipes on the right hand side of the screen and add them to your menu on the left by using the green + button on each relevant item. 

Access static content such as tiles and text on the 2nd tab and add to the menu using the green + button just as in recipes.

Remember to save your menu at the top right of the screen!

This is just a quick start guide to the system, please refer to the full user guide for further details.

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