To access the host application, log into using your credentials created for you by your administrator. You will be prompted to create a new password.
Your user may have access to multiple wards within a department. Use the filter in the bottom left to select the ward you wish to create an order in.
All beds within the ward will be displayed. The date and time stamp for the last order taken will be displayed under the bed name/number.
The beds have 5 states:
Grey: Unoccupied
This indicates the bed has no open orders or patient preferences. Select the bed to enter preferences for a new patient.
Amber: Nil by Mouth
This indicates the Nil by Mouth tag has been selected for this bed. This can be controlled in the bed’s preferences.
Green: Ready For Collection
This indicates the bed is occupied, and their order is ready to be collected from the kitchen.
Red: Order Not Taken
This indicates the bed is occupied, but there are no open orders for today's date.
Blue: Order Taken
This indicates the bed is occupied and there are one or more open orders for today’s date.
N.B. If you see a blue explanation mark on the bed, this means that there is an open order and the delivery time has passed.
Select an unoccupied bed.
You will need to enter the patient’s preferences before creating an order. To do so, select edit. (Please note that this will depend on your user permission level as not all users can do this stage).
Depending on how your administrator has configured the bed profile and what tags are being used on the recipes, will dictate which of the patient identifiers fields, dietary preferences, conditions and nutrition preferences will show.
Patient Details
In the preferences, you can specify if this patient requires a red tray flag. You can enter notes against this flag by selecting edit notes.
Here you can also select if this patient is Nil by Mouth, this will change the colour of the bed to amber on the bed selection page.
Select if this patient is an Inpatient or Daypatient/Outpatient.
Save the changes, you can now create orders for this bed.
To create an order, first select the bed.
If the bed is unoccupied, you will need to enter the patient’s preferences as per Setting up a bed section
Use the dropdown to select which meal service to allocate.
Set the date and time that the order is for. (See Best Practice tips for suggestions on using Out of service or Late order)
Menus are pre populated for you however you can use the dropdown to select a menu to choose from. Alternatively, you could type the name of the recipe in the search box
All items on this menu will be ordered by suitability.
A green tick indicates all criteria have been met.
An amber tick indicates a nutrition tag has not been met.
An amber star next to an item indicates this item is being promoted by your administration.
Select the + sign next to an item to add to the order.
Once you have selected all items for this order, select X Dish(s) Selected.
Order Summary
Any red tray notes will be visible in the patient notes section. You can also add additional notes in the order notes section.
Select Send Order to complete. This will generate an order ID and send the order through to the picker view. If you have printers connected to your account, this will also generate an order ticket.
The bed colour will now change to Blue
To view the status of an order, first select a bed.
All previous orders for this patient will be displayed on this page. The status of the order is indicated on the right hand side.
If the order has not yet been completed, you can cancel it by selecting the order and choosing cancel.
If the order has not passed its meal delivery date/time, you can amend it by selecting the edit button in the order panel.
You can also print the individual order receipt to a pre-configured printer.
Select which bed this order is being placed for.
Select Create New Order.
Use the dropdown to select ‘Visitor’ diner type.
In the bottom left of the screen, select Start Over.
Select the visitor’s preferences here.
Select save and select items from the menu, following the same steps to create a patient order.
You can log items delivered to a bed that have not been ordered through the ePMO system, such as drinks or trolley items.
First, view the open bed.
Select Add Trolley Items.
Here you can enter the item name, and add the quantity and date it was delivered.
Select save.
To clear a bed, first navigate to the ward page. From here, select Clear for the bed you wish to declare as unoccupied.
All orders and preferences will be removed from this bed. Any open orders will be cancelled. And the bed colour changed to grey to indicate it is unoccupied.
To create a ward order, select Create Ward Order from the ward page.
Enter any preferences for the order, then select See Results.
Following the same steps to create a patient order, select which items you wish to order.
Proceed to the order summary to place the order.